

If people want to pay attention to Islamic law and all his teachings, then he will find that the whole is nothing to mashlahat and human happiness. One of the behaviors and the highest teaching in Islam is the mandatory nature of the mandate, which is a treasury of Islamic religion, the wealth of the very basic and even religion is a mandate.
There are three words that are all worth it formed from the letters alif, mim and nun, all three are intimately connected, that is safe, trust and faith and the meaning of the three nearly identical to the peace of the show or tumaâ € ™ ninah. Amanah shows on trust, and trust is quiet, being safe is the loss of fear and it also means peace, then meaningful justification of faith and determination (iqrar) as well as deeds, in which there are too quiet.
Therefore, God calls His servants as believers, because only the believers are able to maintain the mandate of God, fulfill and held it tightly, as revealed by God, that is,And those who keep the messages (which he endured) and its promise, (Qur'an 23:8)
In the context of the behavior of everyday life growing sense of trust has an attitude to maintain and protect whatever the human form of agreement or dependent objects that are real or meaningful. This is as shown in the Prophet of Allah, â € œSetiap you are the leader and each leader will be asked about kepemimpinannya.â €?
Then the trust has a very broad meaning which includes all muamalah relations and rights of other parties who have accomplished.
Then outline the trust is divided into three parts:
1.a Amanah in fulfilling the Rights of Allah Almighty.That is, with menauhidkan Him, His Oneness in worship, doing what He has commanded and avoiding what He has forbidden, merely to expect the pleasure of Allah. This is the largest trust, which every slave must carry it out first before the other trust-trust. And it would appear all the other forms of trust.
2.a Amanah Provided in God's favors.As favors hearing, vision, maintenance, property and children. Also mandate the body and all its contents, the head and the brain's ability to think. So every mukallaf must use the appropriate favors which God created and functions in order to fulfill the commandments of God.
If the limb, health, wealth and all the blessings we receive are used in order to draw closer to Allah Taa € ™ style, it means we have to realize and fulfill the mandate according to its demands.
And in return, God will keep and maintain the people who did so and also keeping those tasty. The Holy Prophet said, meaning, â € œJagalah God then He will look after you, keep God then he will you find dihadapanmu.â €?
A salaf said, â € œBarang who fear Allah then he has to keep himself, and anyone who wasted devotion to him it means he is wasting himself, while God never membutuhkannya.â €?
Therefore anyone who fulfill the mandate in maintaining the boundaries of Allah and to maintain his rights, whether in relation to him or what was given by God in the form of favors, treasure, and so on, God shall look for the good of religion and their world. For replies that according to one's charitable efforts as the word of Allah, â €? O Children of Israel, remember My favor which I have favored you, and fulfill your promise to me, surely I fulfill my promise to you: and unto I was the one you should fear (submission). â €?(Surah 2:40)
â € œHai those who believe, if you help (religion of) Allah, He will help and strengthen kedudukanmu.â €? (Qur'an 47:7)
3.a Amanah in the discharge of Human Rights Fellow
Such as deposits, property, secrets, shame and honor, and so forth. Al Qura € ™'s been mentioned about the virtues of the nature of trust in many verses, which at once suggest to us to maintain and preserve it. Among them is the word of God, that is, â € œSesungguhnya ask you to convey the message of God to those who deserve it, the covenant which states the properties of the believers who are entitled to a heavenly paradise, and those who maintain the mandate-amanatâ €? (Who he endured) and its promise, (Qur'an 23:8)
In connection with the mandate there is a very noble verse that tells of God's offer to the heavens, the earth and the mountains to carry the mandate, but all of them are reluctant because they feel unable to, then the mandate is carried by humans. Allah says, â € œSesungguhnya We offered the trust to the heavens, the earth and the mountains, but they refused to undertake it, being afraid, and dipikullah mandate it by humans. Behold, the man is very unjust and very bodohâ €? (Qur'an 33:72)
In this paragraph contained an explanation of the severity of the mandate and burden to be borne by man, where heaven, earth and the mountains as a creature of God is mighty and powerful feeling weak and reluctant to assume that trust, fear and worry if unable to fulfill.
But man offered to carry the mandate, and with it human is to have force wrongdoers to yourself, at the same time have been foolish to various konskwensi that so much of that trust, in the form of hard work so it does not make it fall into the punishment.
Therefore anyone who receives this mandate, guard it and fulfill his rights so he got a victory and a great reward. And those who waste it, abandoning his rights then he will lose money and get the punishment. So in continuation of the verse Allah describes three classes of human beings in fulfilling the mandate, that is hypocritical, polytheists and believers.
â € œSehingga Allah punishes the hypocrites men and women and the idolaters of men and women, and that God accepts the repentance of the believers men and women.And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Qur'an 33:73)
Pagans squandered trust outwardly and inwardly, hypocrites wasting trust in spirit though outwardly visible believers to fulfill the mandate while keeping the trust of Allah outwardly and inwardly.
There is one thing to note about kengganan heaven, earth and mountains, which is different from the reluctance of the devil when ordered to bow down terhada Adam. The difference is that the reluctance of the heavens, the earth and the mountains are arising from the weakness and incompetence while the reluctance of the devil because he refused and takabbur (arrogant). The second thing is that submitted to the heavens, the earth and the mountains is that there is the selection of bids submitted to the devil while the command is mandatory, there is no other choice but to obey.
Some Lessons Regarding Amanah
â € ¢ Â Amanah is the character that is intact, can not only implemented in part only. So the mandate of the little and betrayed a lot he is khianah. People who trust in one state and treason in the other conditions it is not a mandate.
â € ¢ Â Amanah is characteristic of good character and faith. With education faith he will be good and clean is to foster a sense of closeness of God, none of which is hidden in the presence of God, and fearful when asked in the presence of God. People who trust only when there is someone else means he not realize the mandate.
â € ¢ Â Amanah is the biggest stock and the best a person has, if someone trusted in the amanahnya then that is the wealth of the world before later in the hereafter.
â € ¢ Â Amanah is power, in influence and power, glory and sufficiency, even a soul force that is not weak and subject to the passions and all that he brought to destruction.
â € ¢ Â The opposite of trust is khianah leave and hide the right and the seharusya delivered. And this is the main character of a hypocrite as well as in the famous hadith, the Prophet of Allah said, that is, â € œTanda signs of a hypocrite are three, â € œJika speaks a lie, if it reneged on promises, and if believed berkhianat.â €?
Various kinds of treacherous
Allah says, that is, â €? O you who believe, do not you, betray Allah and the Messenger (Muhammad) and do not betray the mandates entrusted to you, are you mengetahui.â €? (Surah 8:27
Based on this verse, there are three kinds of perfidy:1.a treasonable to the rights of Allah, the most of it is kufr and shirk, then after that followed by fusuq (wickedness) and â € ~ ishyan (disobedience). Monotheism, prayer, fasting, sincerity, charity, rukuâ € ™, prostration, perform ghusl is an example of the mandate of a servant before God Almighty, which must be accomplished correctly and should not be betrayed.2.a treasonable to the rights of the Prophet, by underestimating the Sunnah-Sunnah and teaching, ghuluw (redundant) in glorifying him, leaving the sunnah and do Bida € ™ ah or create new things in religion but had never taught by him one.3.a treasonable to the rights of fellow human beings, as treacherous in the property, honor or counsel against them. Amanah against fellow human beings very much, including the mandate of the children, parents, relatives, spouses, neighbors, trust in the buying and selling, talk, work, science, advice, and so forth.
May God help us all to be able to carry out the mandate of this life, amen. Wallahu aa € ™ lam shawab bish.
Sources: â €? Al-Amanah, mafhumuha, shuwaruha, tsamaratuha.â €? Asmaa bint € ™ Ruwaisyid ar-Rashid.
Sources: www.alsofwah.or.id

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